domingo, 1 de mayo de 2016

Collecting fruits

Rancho Ibelia has a large collection of 43 species of fruits (the list is below), visitors can learn about the plants, harvesting fruit and take them home *. We also have a variety of orchids and bromeliads.

1. Achotillo
2. Avocado
3. Anona - Tropical cherimoya
4. Arasha
5. Borojó
6. Cocoa
7. Reed
8. Carambola
9. Cauge
10. Cherry
11. ovo Plum
12. Coco
13. Fruit gum
14. breadfruit
15. miraculous fruit
16. wild Granadilla
17. Guaba
18. Guanabana
19. Guayaba
20. Bananna
21. Jack fruit
22. Lima
23. Limon bombita
24. Limon sweet
25. Limon meyer
26. Limon taiti
27. Macadamia
28. Mandarina
29. Mandarina Cascaruda
30. Mango Plum
31. Mangosteen
32. Passion Fruit
33. Sour orange
34. Lime Orange
35. National Orange
36. Orange washington
37. Papaya
38. Pechiche
39. Tropical Pera
40. Pineapple
41. Pitahaya
42. Poma pink
43. Grapefruit
44. Zapote

Pitahaya's flower

Tropical pera flower

Jack's fruit

Bread fruit

Orange and woodpecker

Papaya tree

Pineapple plant



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